Here about multi level marketing/digital marketing comapny which is running successfully while very long time, not heard bad news of it over the web. it gives business opportunity to earn money from mobile or dth recharging, direct product selling, and other making money plans. Also new "triple income plan." is a part of Apex Group. Apex Group is one of India’s prominent business houses established in the year 2004 with a diverse portfolio of assets in software development, business solutions, online gaming, investigations, technology-enabled services, infrastructure development, water treatment and online-education.
In the business solutions division, Apex has given business and software solutions to more than 800 companies across India. In the process, it has developed contacts of more than 5 million hard core marketing persons. These marketing persons are geared to sell anything and everything with their contacts.
The business solution developed by Apex is unique and resembles self employment generation to the subscribers and consumers of the respective companies. Till now Apex has been a back bone to several companies, who sell Insurance, consumer durables, real estate, financial products, etc. The solution is so powerful, that a single entity sells more than 1000 insurance policies per day.
Keeping the same spirit alive, we now selected telecom products as our new product. Most of our top line marketing agents voted for mobiles and mobile accessories. As telecom is the future of digital India and is ever growing with the penetration of mobile and Internet usage among urban and rural India. Hence, we selected the product ‘Anti Radiation Patch’, which will help reduce the ill effects of EMF radiations emitted from their mobile phones. We are confident that this product will be marketed more efficiently that all other products of the past.
How To Start ? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recharge Opportunity | ||||||||||||||||